NAD-ASSOCIATES conducts a comprehensive physical examination and medical screening for each of our employees. These medical screenings determine if our employees are in good health and are capable to effectively and safely do their assigned jobs such as operators, drivers, flagman etc. Our requirements include and cover:
- NAD AND ASSOCIATES Medical Questionnaire
- Physical Examination
- Prohibited Conditions
1.6.1 NAD Medical Questionnaire
All employees are required to complete a two page NAD-ASSOCIATES medical questionnaire.
1.6.2 Physical Examinations
Each employee will be given a general physical examination.
NAD-ASSOCIATES physical examinations include:
- Assess vital signs, blood pressure pulse, and respiration
- Auscultate heart and lung sounds
- Pupils should be equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
- Examination of outer ear and tympanic membrane
- Evaluation of range of motion in extremities
- Evaluation of range of motion in cervical spine, thoracic spine, and lumbar spine Hernia exam
- Review medications if applicable
- Assessment of skin
- Examine for physical defects
- Discuss any questionable answers on the Medical Questionnaire form
1.6.3 Prohibited Conditions
Employees will be deemed unfit (pending NAD AND ASSOCIATES Medical Director review) if they are found to have any of the following conditions after review of the physical examination results and the NAD AND ASSOCIATES Medical Questionnaire:
- Tendencies to dizziness (history of vertigo, Meniere’s disease, etc.) or similar undesirable characteristics.
- Evidence of having physical defects or emotional instability that could render a hazard to the operator or others, or that in the opinion of the examiner could interfere with the operator’s performance.
- Evidence of being subject to seizures or loss of physical control.